De Casablanca à Locarno
Cross-media and interactive networks for the Centenary of Cinema and Radio: "From Casablanca to Locarno: Love revisited by the Internet and electronic media".
2 SEPTEMBRE 1995 - de 21h30 à 22h15
Cross media and interactive networks for the Centenary of Cinema and Radio: "From Casablanca to Locarno: Love revisited by the Internet and electronic media". An experimental interactive programme by Fred Forest produced by RTSI - Radio Télévision Suisse Italienne - in collaboration with the VideoArt Festival, staged on the stage of the Locarno Theatre.
The multimedia performance aims to involve the public through mass media (RTSI Television + Radio Rete 3 + Telephone Network + Internet). The Theatre of Locarno is the physical and geographical location for the action, which is part of the information space. With the gracious participation of : Ingrid Bergman, Humphrey Bogart, Paola Pitagora, Graziano Mandozzi, Mario Sasso and all those directly or indirectly concerned by the existential question of... Love!
Seizing the opportunity of the centenary of cinema, the aim of this project is to create a spectacular media performance combining cinema and radio in an original and unique event. The 16th Locarno VideoArt Festival will pay a vibrant tribute to both.
The aim of this multimedia performance is to involve the public directly through the mass media (Radio + Television), via the telephone network and the Internet. The Locarno Theatre is the physical and geographical location of the event. The stage is set up like a television and radio set, from which the programme is launched live and where the artist is responsible for animating and presenting the action as it unfolds.
Television + telephone network + Internet network, set (Locarno Theatre), broadcast of the film (or sequence) on RTSI. Television broadcasts the film without sound, with written instructions scrolling across the bottom of the screen at all times. These instructions inform viewers of their options and how to take part. At the same time, they must tune in to the radio frequency where the telephone number is given. The radio plays the successive calls.
The audience has 30 seconds in the continuity of the images to make the actors speak. Background music is substituted for the film soundtrack. The control room intervenes to raise or lower the sound level, adapting in real time to the interventions of the selected telephone correspondents, who are put on hold and put on the air one after the other. Fred Forest fills in any "gaps" in real time by intervening live on air, either by speaking or with a character generator, ideally with both.
Installation in the Locarno Theatre.
In this installation, the artist gives a media performance staged on the theatre stage, which has been converted into a television set and radio station. The performance consists of the presentation of the programme and its animation. The technical equipment includes 3 cameras, a character generator, a link to the broadcast studio, a series of six telephone booths, a large screen and a TV wall.
- Corriere del Ticino, Locarno, 14 août 1995, Une serata interattiva sulla TSI
- G.D.P, Locarno, 31 août 1995, De Casablanca à Locarno
- La Regione Ticino, Locarno, 31 août 1995, Ideato da Fred Forest Programma interattivo in diretta su TSI e Rete 3
- Corriere del Ticino, Locarno, 31 août 1995, Da Casablanca alla videoart
- Tessiner Zeitung, Locarno, 31 août 1995, Ein interaktives spektakel im teatro di Locarno
- G.D.P, Locarno, 2/3 septembre 1995, Ritorna Fred Forest e ci reporta in tivù
- Giornale di Locarno, Locarno, 2/3 septembre 1995, Internet, ovvero trionfo del mondo " virtuale ". Casablanca una novita mondiale questa sera alla TSI
- La Regione Ticino, Locarno, 2 septembre 1995, Videoart e RTSI scatta l’interazione
- Corriere del Ticino, Locarno, 4 septembre 1995, La TV Teorica di Fred Forest
- Ticino 7 Télé/radio, Locarno, 3/9 septembre 1995, couverture de première
- La Regione Ticino, Locarno, 4 septembre 1995, Immagini elettroniche, percosi del futur
- Neue Zurcher Zeitung, Zurich, n°208, 8 septembre 1995, Fred Forest Elektronische medien
- Le Monde, Paris, 13 septembre 1995, L’art vidéo est menacé par l’engouement pour Internet
- Newgo, Locarno, septembre 1995, L’arte tecno con Fred Forest par Vito Robbiani
Internet et l'avenir de l'art par Eduardo Kac
Des artistes tels que Fred Forest, Stelarc et Richard Kriesche ont contribué à d'autres topologies hybrides.Fusionnant télévision, radio, téléphone et Internet, l'artiste français Fred Forest [90] crée De Casablanca à Locarno : l'amour revu par Internet et autres médias électroniques [91], réalisé le 2 septembre 1995, à Locarno, en Suisse. Dans cette pièce, l'artiste a diffusé le film Casablanca, avec Humphrey Bogart et Ingrid Bergman, sans son et avec un texte à l'écran informant le public de la possibilité d'une participation interactive. Le public a utilisé Internet et a appelé les stations de radio participantes à compléter avec des dialogues créatifs et improvisés. Fred Forest a également contrôlé les images visionnées sur écran d'un théâtre de Locarno, ouvert au public local et transformé en studio de radio et de télévision spécialement pour cette pièce.
(Il est a remarqué que Fred Forest a réalisé cette installation alors qu’Internet venait à peine d’être rendu à un usage public. Utilisant par ailleurs dans cette installation simultanément les médias suivants : La TV SSR Suisse italienne, la Radio programme 3, Internet, le Téléphone, le Cinéma et le Théâtre de Locarno.
Cette action a été réalisée pour le Festival du Film et des arts électroniques en 1995 et a valu à Fred Forest le Grand Prix de la ville de Locarno).

- Tiré du site de la Fondation Bianda post qui date de 1995
Fred Forest has a special place in contemporary art. Both by his personality and by his pioneering practices which mark his work. He is mainly known today for having used one by one most of the communication media that have appeared over the last fifty years. He is co-founder of three artistic movements: those of sociological art, the aesthetics of communication and ethics in art.
He represented France at the 12th São Paulo Biennale (Communication Prize) in 1973, at the 37th Venice Biennale in 1976 and at Documenta 6 in Kassel in 1977.